The Quest for the World Teacher

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Charles Leadbeater was right when he said that J Krishnamurti will one day be a famous teacher on a world stage. Krishnamurti turned down the chance to be the world teacher, but by doing so, he became a teacher and was able to teach his theory of a pathless path.

In chapter 4, we can see how Krishnamurti’s beliefs changed over time. In his book At the Feet of the Master, he described the path. In his book Freedom from the Known, he wrote about life in an unconditioned state. In the field of meditation, Krishnamurti has done pioneering work.

His philosophy of silence is based on removal of duality, which originally comes from the Indian philosophy of Advaita. There are signs of advaita all over his work. Even though he has given things new names, it is clear that Adi Shankaracharya has had a big impact on his work.

The teacher who taught us not to follow any road actually had an organisation named after him called The Krishnamurti Foundation set up to teach his ideas, which is ironic in a way.

When I was in Lumbini, Nepal, I heard another part of the story from Swami Anand Arun of Tapoban Ashram, Kathmandu. Swamiji mentioned that on the day Krishnamurti was about to become the world teacher, Buddha’s cousin Devadatta’s spirit entered into J Krishnamurti before Maitreya could enter. When Buddha was alive, Devadatta was jealous of Buddha and also tried to kill him on a couple of occasions. Devdutta did not want Buddha/Maitreya to come again on the planet. Swamiji said that he heard this from Osho (Bhagwan Rajnish). It is also worth knowing that Osho and Krishnamurti were contemporaries, but they never met. In fact, they were not interested in meeting each other. Osho’s statement on Devadatta should be seen in this context as well.

Whatever it is, Krishnamurti is right to question a world that has too many rules about what to do and what not to do. We can’t go where we haven’t been before because of our limits. It keeps us from trying new things and learning what love is really about. He questions the need for conflict and duality within ourselves, which makes sense.

In one of his daily talks, Osho talked about what he thought about Love and God. He said, “Almost every religion teaches us that God is love, but I’m here to tell you that Love is God.” It is time for humanity to break down all of the barriers imposed by beliefs in order to reach God, i.e. Love.


The content in this article has been derived from the following references.

  1. At the Feet of the Master, J Krishnamurti
  2. Freedom From The Known, J krishnamurti & Mary Lutyens
  3. Satsang by Swami Ashok Bharti
  4. Jiddu Krishmurti, Wikipedia

Bhavin Shukla has been working as an IT Consultant in the data space for more than 25 Years. As a Data and Analytics professional, he has worked extensively for years on complex IT Transformation Programmes within Healthcare, Finance, Insurance and Telco domains.

Bhavin is driven by a sincere desire to embrace a spiritual existence rooted in values, while genuinely striving to enhance societal culture by fostering a supportive community where we stand by each other.

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  1. Kalyani Radia Avatar

    This was very insightful , interesting and informative
    Very well written

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bhavin Shukla Avatar

      Thank you for the kind words. Glad you liked it and found it informative. Looking forward to read your blogs someday! 😊


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